Nevada Labor Commissioner Begins 2015-16 Prevailing Wage Survey

Carson City, NV - April 01, 2015

The Office of the Labor Commissioner has released the 2015–2016 Construction Wage Survey for contractors throughout the state. 

Completed surveys are due by 5:00 pm on July 15, 2015, in order to be included in the process for determining the prevailing wage rates, which will be posted on October 1, 2015, as required by Nevada law.

Nevada law requires the Labor Commissioner to conduct an annual survey of contractors who have performed construction work during the past year in order to determine prevailing wage rates for the upcoming year. Prevailing wage rates are required to be paid on Nevada public works construction projects such as roadways and government buildings that cost more than $100,000.  Senate Bill (SB) 119, which became effective March 6, 2015, excluded construction, alteration, repair, remodeling, reconstruction, and improvement of property of a school district, charter school, and the Nevada System of Higher Education from the prevailing wage requirements.

Contractors can access the survey by visiting  The website also contains convenient links to Nevada's prevailing wage laws, as well as state-required posters and other useful employment information. Individuals may also request a hard copy by calling the Office of the Labor Commissioner in Las Vegas at (702) 486-2797, or in Carson City at (775) 687-4850.

All contractors who have worked on construction projects may participate in the survey, even if they are not required to have a contractors’ license.  It is important for all contractors, particularly those working in rural areas, to participate as precisely as possible in the survey to ensure that the calculated prevailing wage rates accurately reflect the rates that are being paid in a particular County. If no rates are reported for a classification in a County, the Labor Commissioner must rely on wage rates as reported for the nearest County that reported a rate for that particular classification.    Participation by all contractors is key in order to ensure that the prevailing wage rates reflect the work performed and wages paid.

Contractors should keep several important facts in mind when completing the survey:

§  All data from all contractors will be considered.  However, the information must be within survey requirements.  For example, work must be done within the specified dates and must be for a classification included in the survey.

§  Surveys should include wages paid on private and commercial projects.  To establish a rate reflective of what's been paid, the survey should include wages paid on all construction projects, not just publicly-funded projects.

§  Rural projects should be included.  The size of a project is not important.  Where the work was performed and what rate contractors paid a specific classification in a given locale are the important factors.

For more information about the prevailing wage survey, please contact Nelly Bernal, Compliance Investigator at  or at (702) 486-2650.


About the Office of the Labor Commissioner

The Office of the Labor Commissioner is a division of the Department of Business and Industry. The Office of the Labor Commissioner strives to ensure that all workers are treated fairly under the law by investigating complaints of non-payment of wages, State minimum wage, overtime, and prevailing wage disputes. The office also monitors youth employment standards, including work hours and safe, non-hazardous working conditions.


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Teri Williams
Public Information Officer
(702) 486-0407