Carson City, NV -
December 14, 2016Consumers who wish to have
coverage effective January 1, 2017, must enroll in a 2017 health insurance
policy by December 15, 2016.
Consumers who enroll and pay for
a 2017 health insurance policy between December 16, 2016, and January 15, 2017,
will not have coverage until February 1, 2017. Consumers who enroll between
January 16, 2017, and January 31, 2017, which is the end of the open enrollment
period, will not have coverage until March 1, 2017.
The Division has available
resources to help consumers make more informed decisions, such as, an educational
website aimed to provide Nevadans with timely information about their health
insurance decisions.
Our Rate Wizard Tool is the “go
to” source for viewing and comparing all the plans with their cost, benefits,
drug / doctor access and much more. We are pleased to announce that this
tool is now available in Spanish at
The rates are displayed by age, county, and are for non-smokers.
The search results are displayed
and then sortable by plan name, carrier name, metal tier, and whether it is
offered on or off the Exchange. This allows the search to be filtered for quick
focused results.
There are 10 insurance companies
offering a total of 124 plans in the individual market on and off the Exchange.
The average approved rate change off the Exchange is 10.73 percent and on
Exchange is 10.43 percent.
About the Nevada Division of Insurance
The State of Nevada Division of
Insurance, a Division of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry,
protects the rights of Nevada consumers and regulates Nevada’s $13 billion
insurance industry. The Division of Insurance has offices in Carson City and
Las Vegas. In 2015, the Division investigated more than 3,200 consumer
complaints and recovered nearly $5 million on behalf of consumers. For more
information about the Division of Insurance, visit DOI.NV.GOV or download the
Division’s smartphone app NDOI Connect today in the Apple App Store and Google