Special Enrollment Periods available for some Nevada consumers

Carson City, NV December 19, 2018

Open Enrollment may be over, but some consumers who did not enroll in a plan by December 15 may be eligible to purchase health insurance through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).

Anthem plans purchased before March 23, 2010, also known as a Grandfathered plans will no longer be available after December 31, 2018. Consumers who were enrolled in such plans who have not enrolled in a new plan may enroll in a different plan by December 31, 2018 to have coverage starting January 1. Otherwise, they can enroll until March 1, but they will have a gap in coverage.

“Special Enrollment Periods are additional opportunities for Nevadans to protect themselves and their families with adequate coverage,” said Insurance Commissioner Barbara Richardson. “Consumers are encouraged to visit Nevada Health Link as a trusted source to enroll in health insurance.”

As a reminder, consumers with Qualifying Life Events (QLEs) may also purchase health insurance outside of the Open Enrollment Period window. These QLEs may include changes in household such as getting married or divorced, having a baby or a death in the family. Changes in residence, such as moving to a different zip code are also QLEs. To view a full list of QLE visit Nevada Health Link’s website NevadaHealthLink.com.

To find out if you are eligible for a SEP visit NevadaHealthLink.com. You may also visit with a licensed broker or agent.

About the Nevada Division of Insurance

The State of Nevada Division of Insurance, a Division of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, protects the rights of Nevada consumers and regulates Nevada’s $14 billion insurance industry. The Division of Insurance has offices in Carson City and Las Vegas. In 2017, the Division investigated more than 3,200 consumer complaints and recovered over $5 million on behalf of consumers. For more information about the Division of Insurance, visit DOI.NV.GOV.




Yeraldin Deavila