Division of Industrial Relations issues five citations, targets areas with highest case rates for increased compliance enforcement

Las Vegas, NV November 23, 2020

In response to the elevated community spread of COVID-19, the Division of Industrial Relations will focus compliance activities over the next few weeks in communities with the highest reported cases per 100,000, including Carson City, Churchill, Washoe and Elko Counties. In addition, Nevada Occupation Safety and Health Administration (Nevada OSHA) is updating its guidance for employers to reflect the additional restrictions announced by Governor Sisolak yesterday which are effective beginning Tuesday, November 24. Once updated, the guidance will be posted to http://dir.nv.gov.

The Division is urging businesses to reach out to the Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS) for free consultation and assistance with implementing mandated workplace health and safety measures. SCATS can be reached by calling 1-877-4SAFENV.

Businesses can also contact their local jurisdiction to find resources and potential financial assistance. For example, businesses currently holding a valid business license within Carson City are eligible to apply for personal protective equipment and sanitation supplies such as disposable gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, sanitizer stands and cleaning solution. Visit carson.org/ppe to submit an online application for supplies that are delivered directly to business locations within Carson City upon approval.

Citations for Noncompliance

Last week, five citations for violation of required COVID-19 workplace health and safety measures were issued by Nevada OSHA. Agency officials monitor and enforce compliance through in-field observations and through investigations opened in response to complaints and referrals filed with OSHA.

Las Vegas Basketball Center LLC- 7350 Prairie Falcon Road, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89128; Inspection #: 1484361; Penalty: $3,643; Violation summary: The business held close-contact competition basketball games at their facility involving players and referees

Integrity Sports Officiating LLC- 7181 Hualapai Way, Suite 130-92, Las Vegas, NV 89166; Inspection #: 1497826; Penalty: $3,643; Violation summary: Employees officiated close-contact competition basketball games at the Las Vegas Basketball Center facility. 

Ruby Has LLC- 3717 Bay Lake Trail, Suite #101, North Las Vegas, NV 89030; Inspection #: 1486274; Penalty: $7,808; Violation summary: Failure to social distance during breaks and during company meetings

Tarkanian Basketball Academy- 2730 South Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89102; Inspection #: 1493469; Penalty: $3,643; Violation summary: Customers not wearing face coverings, players were not social distancing during scrimmage, and the employer was not utilizing an approved disinfectant from EPA list

IES Residential, Inc.- 7180 Dean Martin Drive, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118; Inspection #: 1502424; Penalty: $8,675; Violation Summary: Employees were observed not wearing face coverings and not social distancing

Nevada OSHA has issued a total of 187 notices of citation and penalty related to violations of required COVID-19 health and safety measures in effect since mid-March. The citations have been issued as a result of both the employer observation process as well as through the investigation of employee complaints or public referrals.

Observation Findings: Initial

Since observations began in late-June to determine compliance with mandated health and safety measures under the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 024 and Nevada OSHA’s Guidance for Roadmap to Recovery, DIR officials have conducted 10,270 initial visits at business establishments finding a cumulative 89 percent statewide compliance rate, a 91 percent compliance rate in northern Nevada and 88 percent compliance in southern Nevada.

During the week beginning November 16, officials conducted 251 initial visits observing only one business, a restaurant in Sparks, out of compliance.

Observation Findings: Follow Up

Since observations to determine compliance with mandated health and safety measures began, DIR officials have conducted 2,197 follow up visits finding a 96 percent statewide compliance rate with a 97 percent compliance rate in northern Nevada, and 93 percent in the south.

During the week beginning November 16, officials conducted 158 follow up visits, finding a grocery store in Eureka, to be out of compliance. The business is subject to additional action and potential citation.

Complaint Data 

In addition to the field observation process, Nevada OSHA responds to complaints from employees and referrals from the public regarding face coverings, social distancing, cleaning and disinfection, and other areas of concern related to COVID-19 received by their offices. Of the 4,902 complaints received, 28 percent of the complaints concern general retail followed by 17 percent for restaurants and bars, 8 percent about medical facilities, 6 percent concern casinos and gaming and 5 percent about grocery stores.    

Additional complaint data is available on the Division’s observation and complaint data dashboard.  A link to the dashboard can be found on the homepage of the Division’s website http://dir.nv.gov.

Workplace health and safety complaints can be reported to the Division by filing an online complaint at https://www.osha.gov/pls/osha7/eComplaintForm.html.

Important Information for Employers

The Division’s Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS) also offers free consultations to businesses to help them understand and implement the requirements in order to comply with the health and safety guidance and directives for all businesses, and specific requirements for each industry. SCATS can be reached by calling 1-877-4SAFENV.

About the Division of Industrial Relations:

The Nevada Division of Industrial Relations (DIR) is the principal regulatory agency responsible for workplace safety and worker protections in the state of Nevada.  Comprised of five sections –Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workers’ Compensation Section, Mechanical Compliance Section, Mine Safety and Training Section, and the Safety Consultation and Training Section – DIR works to protect Nevada’s working men and women and provides a broad scope of training and support to the regulated community.  For more information please visit http://dir.nv.gov.

About Nevada OSHA:

Nevada OSHA operates as an approved state program as defined by section 18 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and is required by the Act to operate in a manner that is at least as effective as the federal OSHA enforcement program.  Operating out of district offices in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada OSHA conducts inspections and investigations intended to identify hazardous conditions which could harm Nevada’s workers and enforces state and federal laws protecting the state’s workers. For more information visit http://dir.nv.gov/OSHA/home.

