Carson City, NV March 31, 2023
The Public
Health Emergency declared during the COVID-19 pandemic came to an end on March
31, 2023, which means current Medicaid enrollees will no longer be
automatically renewed for benefits. Medicaid recipients will now need to have
their eligibility redetermined to see if they still qualify for Medicaid
It is expected
that nearly 200,000 Nevadans may not be renewed for Medicaid benefits during
this process. Reasons may include increase in income, enrolling in
employer-based health insurance or if the individual did not respond to the
Medicaid redetermination packet.
While some members may be automatically renewed
using existing information on file, others will need to respond to requests for
information in the mail regarding their eligibility.
Starting April 1, 2023, the Nevada
Division of Welfare and Support Services (DWSS) will
begin sending out redetermination packets in an order prioritized by
individuals’ Medicaid expiration dates. Individuals will have 60 days from loss
of Medicaid coverage to reapply for benefits. For questions about your Medicaid
expiration date or status visit
or call (877) 638-3472.
Take these important steps to avoid any gaps in your
medical coverage:
- Update your contact
information - Update
addresses online at (also available in Spanish), at
a DWSS Office or call (702) 486-1646.
- Check your mail – Letters about your Medicaid coverage will arrive in
the mail beginning April 1 and will continue through the end of the year.
This letter will also let you know if you need to complete a renewal form
to determine if you still qualify for Medicaid.
- Complete the renewal
form (if you get one) - Fill
out the form and return it to the return address in the letter as soon as
*NOTE: If you do not respond/take action
to the renewal letter, you will lose your Medicaid benefits on your
current Medicaid expiration date!
Paperless option: If you prefer to receive paperless notifications, you
can sign up here: (also available in Spanish). Registration and a PIN is required.
You can also download the NV Medicaid App to receive broadcast messages, search for
providers and view medical history. Instructions on how to download the
app are available here in both
English and Spanish.
- If you lose your
Medicaid coverage - Nevadans
who have lost their Medicaid benefits can shop for low-cost, affordable
health coverage options on Nevada’s state-based health insurance
For individuals who are not renewed for
Medicaid coverage due to over-income, accounts will automatically be
transferred to Medicaid will contact individuals
to advise them of the account transfer and Nevada Health Link
representatives will do active outreach to those individuals to help them
with next steps regarding their account.
Those who have lost Medicaid coverage for
reasons other than over-income may still be eligible for coverage through
Nevada Health Link and are encouraged to apply for coverage at
Nevada Health Link offers over 160 different
Qualified Health Plan options across seven private insurance carriers and
is the only place Nevadans can receive subsidized plans to help reduce the
cost of monthly plans, some even as low as $0 per month.
“We want to
make sure all Nevadans will continue to have access to the health coverage they
need at a price they can afford,” Insurance Commissioner Scott Kipper said. “We
strongly encourage individuals to take the necessary steps detailed above to
keep their current medical benefits or shop for a new health plan to ensure
they do not have any gaps in medical coverage for themselves or their family
members. The Division is working together with our Medicaid and Nevada
insurance marketplace partners to provide the necessary resources and
information to best meet Nevadans’ health insurance needs.”
For questions
about your Medicaid renewal, visit or call (877) 638-3472. For more
information about Nevada Health Link, visit or call (800) 547-2927.
The Nevada Health Link Call Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m.
About the Nevada Division of Insurance
The State of Nevada Division of Insurance, a
Division of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, protects the rights
of Nevada consumers and regulates Nevada’s $22 billion insurance industry. The
Division of Insurance has offices in Carson City and Las Vegas. For Fiscal
Years 2021 and 2022, the Division investigated 5,062 consumer complaints, answered
approximately 25,000 inquiries, and recovered over $8 million on behalf of
consumers. For more information about the Division of Insurance, visit DOI.NV.GOV and follow us on our social media channels: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram.