Nevada Sandbox FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was the Sandbox Program created?

What is "fintech"?

Why is the Department of Business and Industry administering the program?

Is Nevada working with other states that have approved similar regulatory sandbox programs?

What is Director of the Department of Business and Industry's role administration of the program?

Is there a limit to the number of participants that can be approved to enter the program?

What kind of products or services can be submitted for consideration?

What kind of products or services are NOT eligible for consideration?

Are program participants exempt from compliance with all state and federal laws?

Will the Department of Business and Industry provide licensing, regulatory or legal advice if accepted into the program?

Do I have to be a Nevada resident/ business to participate in the program?

Does participating in the Nevada program prevent an applicant from doing business in other jurisdictions?

What if my company is a startup that doesn't have a lot of cash or organization?

How long can a participant tests its product/service in the program?

Are there limits to a participant's test activity under the program?

What happens at the end of the testing period?

What is the program's record keeping and retention requirement?

What reporting is required of program participants?

How do I apply to enter the program?

Can I partner with other businesses to apply to provide a particular product or service?

How does the Director evaluate applications?

When will a decision be made regarding a submitted application?

Who should I contact if I have a complaint regarding a test in the program?