Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Pandemic

My business has been hit hard by the pandemic - where can I look for funding or other support to help me get through it?

Medical or Recreational Marijuana

Who do I contact to open a medical or recreational marijuana store?

Business Structure

How do I know how to structure my business? Corporation, LLC, Partnership or Sole Proprietor?

Employee Identification Number (EIN)

What is an Employee Identification Number (EIN)?

Fictitious Firm Name (DBA)

Do I need a Fictitious Firm Name (DBA)?


How do I apply for a grant to start my business?

Hiring Employees

I may want to hire employees - what are the labor laws?


Should I purchase insurance for my business?

As a business owner am I required to purchase workers' compensation insurance?


Do I need a State of Nevada Business license?

Are there any other license requirements in Nevada?


How can I get a loan to start or grown my small business?

Patents, Trademarks, Servicemarks, and Copyrights

Where can I find information on patents, trademarks, servicemarks, and copyrights?

Starting a Business

I want to start a business what is the first thing I should do?

Why do I need a business plan?

What do I need to start an online business?


I have questions regarding taxes for my small business who should I contact?


Are there any training classes available to help me start or grow my business?