In the State of Nevada all businesses are required to obtain a business license within the county/city in which they will operate or perform work. Depending on location and type of business you may be required to obtain a County license as well as a city license(s).
In Southern Nevada for example, if you perform work in several jurisdictions within Clark County you may be required to obtain a city license from multiple jurisdictions. Clark County is made up of six jurisdictions, each with its own licensing agency-the City of Las Vegas, the City of North Las Vegas, the City of Henderson, Boulder City, the City of Mesquite and Unincorporated Clark County.
There are other special permits required in Nevada from Health, Police, Fire or Building Departments. Additionally there are permit requirements for liquor, gaming, health permits, home occupation permits, cosmetology and others. Check with the local jurisdiction in which you plan to operate your business to determine the licensing/permit requirements.
Licensing contact information is available on our Resource Directory tab.