Guide to Starting and Growing a Business

Last Update: February 2025

Guide Cover No Date

The Roadmap: Guide to Starting and Growing a Business in Nevada is a visually oriented interactive PDF document with active links to external websites. For the document to function properly, please do the following:

1) Download the document to a device that is connected to the internet.

2) Open the document in Acrobat Reader.

3) Check back periodically to ensure that you have downloaded the most recent version available. 

To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit If the document is opened in a browser, navigation may not work as intended. For best results, follow the instructions above.

Accessible Version

If you are visually impaired or require the use of assistive technology, please download the accessible version of the Guide to Starting and Growing a Business in Nevada by clicking the link below.

The accessible version is a Word document that provides the same content as the visually oriented version. However, where the visually oriented version uses embedded images and a network of hyperlinks to point users to resources, the accessible version uses plain text and URL citations to facilitate reading by assistive devices. 

Accessible Version- Spanish

Spanish Guide to Starting and Growing a Business Image Jan 2024
Esta es la versión de accesibilidad en español de la guía de Inicio y Crecimiento de un Negocio en Nevada. Este producto ofrece abundante información y fue diseñado por el Departamento de Industria y Comercio de Nevada.

The Roadmap: Guide to Starting and Growing a Business in Nevada